Hörbuch: Students’ Roman Empire part 2, A History of the Roman Empire from Its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius (27 B.C.-180 A.D.)

Students’ Roman Empire part 2, A History of the Roman Empire from Its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius (27 B.C.-180 A.D.)
1 - 01 - Ch 19: The Principate of Galba, & the Year of the Four Emperors (68-69 A.D.) Sect. I
The writings of J. B. Bury, on subjects ranging from ancient Greece to the 19th-century papacy, are at once scholarly and accessible to the layman. This work covers the period from the beginning of the Roman Empire until Gibbon begins; from Augustus through Marcus Aurelius and the Antoinine Emporers.
Sie hören Students’ Roman Empire part 2, A History of the Roman Empire from Its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius (27 B.C.-180 A.D.) - John B. Bury.
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