Hörbuch: Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part Two (1880-1889)

Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part Two (1880-1889)
1 - January 2, 1880 - MARK TWAIN ON ARTEMUS WARD
This collection of articles by and about Mark Twain and his family was compiled by Barbara Schmidt, publisher of twainquotes.com. Included in Part Two of this chronological listing (1880-1889) are some of Twain’s short stories, speeches and letters, as they appeared in the New York Times in that decade. The original microfiche articles are available at the New York Times “Time Machine” website: https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/browser/ and here. - Summary by John Greenman and Barbara Schmidt
Sie hören Mark Twain in the New York Times, Part Two (1880-1889) - Mark Twain, The New York Times.
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