Hörbuch: Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway

Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway
1 - Introduction, Starting a New Gardening Era
- Download Introduction, Starting a New Gardening Era audio
- Download Predictably Rainless Summers audio
- Download Water-Wise Gardening Science audio
- Download Helping Plants to Need Less Irrigation audio
- Download Water-Wise Gardening Year-Round audio
- Download How to Grow It with Less Irrigation: A-Z audio
- Download My Own Garden Plan audio
- Download The Backyard Water-Wise Gardener audio
Gardening expert Steve Solomon has written extensively on gardening techniques for the home gardener. Water conservation is the focus of this work, along with more information on how to have the healthiest plants in your garden through "fertigation", appropriate plant rotation, and soil preparation. (Summary by Brenda Price)
Sie hören Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway - Steve Solomon.
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