Hörbuch: Extracts from 'The New and Complete Newgate Calendar', Vol. 1

Extracts from 'The New and Complete Newgate Calendar', Vol. 1
1 - 01 - Michael & Catherine van Berghen and Gerard Dromelius, Rev. Thomas Hunter
Volume One of the New and Complete Newgate Calendar, covering the years 1700 through 1723, relates stories of British trials, the persons accused and the crimes committed. It is primarily based upon contemporary newspaper and pamphlet accounts of these trials. Where the criminal is particularly well known, such as the highwayman, burglar and escape artist Jack Sheppard, other sources were used as well. The readings used here are selected to illustrate different aspects of the eighteenth century criminal world and the British legal system.(Summary by Roy Shreiber)
Sie hören Extracts from 'The New and Complete Newgate Calendar', Vol. 1 - William Jackson.
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