Hörbuch: National Geographic Magazine Vol. 06
National Geographic Magazine Volume 6, articles published from January, 1894, to May, 1895.
- Geographic Progress of Civilization - Annual Address by the President Honorable Gardiner G. Hubbard
- Shawangunk Mountain, by N. H. Darton
- Weather Making, Ancient and Modern, by Mark W. Harrington
- Geomorphology of the Southern Appalachians, by Charles Willard Hayes and Marius R. Campbell
- The Battle of the Forest, by B. E. Fernow
- Surveys and Maps of the District of Columbia, by Marcus Baker
- The first Landfall of Columbus, by Jacques W. Redway, F. R. G. S.
- Japan, by D.W. Stevens
- Geography of the Air, Annual Address by the Vice-President, General A. W. Greely
- Sir Francis Drake's Anchorage, by Edward L. Berthoud
- Note on the Height of Mount Saint Elias, by Professor Israel C. Russell
- Geographic Notes, by Cyrus C. Babb (The Antarctic Continent - Magnetic Observation in Iceland, Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen in 1892 - A New Light on the Discovery of America - Monographs of the National Geographic Sociaty - Important Announcement Concerning Essays)
- Laws of the Temperature Control of the Geographic Distribution of Terrestrial Animals and Plants. Annual Address by Vice-President Dr. C. Hart Merriam.
- Oregon: Its History, Geography, and Resources, by John H. Mitchell.
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