Hörbuch: On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara

On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara
1 - New York to Londonderry
This book gives a brief glimpse into the social history of Ireland in the early part of the 20th Century. During his 1902 tour through the north, west and south of Ireland the author provides entertaining insights into how those parts of Ireland were in that era. Born in Ramelton, County Donegal and education at Queens University Belfast, the Author then moved to America at the age 25. He enjoyed considerable success in Banking which lead to him eventually becoming a billionaire. From his writing we can deduce that he used some of his wealth on international travel, one such location being back to the country of his birth.
Sie hören On an Irish Jaunting-Car through Donegal and Connemara - Samuel Gamble Bayne.
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