Hörbuch: Mother West Wind "How" Stories
- Download How Old King Eagle Won His White Head audio
- Download How Old Mr. Mink Taught Himself to Swim audio
- Download How Old Mr. Toad Learned to Sing audio
- Download How Old Mr. Crow Lost His Double Tongue audio
- Download How Howler the Wolf Got His Name audio
- Download How Old Mr. Squirrel Became Thrifty audio
- Download How Lightfoot the Deer Learned to Jump audio
- Download How Mr. Flying Squirrel Almost Got Wings audio
- Download How Mr. Weasel Was Made an Outcast audio
- Download How the Eyes of Old Mr. Owl Became Fixed audio
- Download How It Happens Johnny Chuck Sleeps All Winter audio
- Download How Old Mr. Otter Learned to Slide audio
- Download How Drummer the Woodpecker Came by His Red Cap audio
- Download How Old Mr. Tree Toad Found Out How To Climb audio
- Download How Old Mr. Heron Learned Patience audio
- Download How Tufty the Lynx Happens to Have a Stump of a Tail audio
Peter Rabbit has many questions. How did Howler the Wolf get his name? How did Lightfoot the Deer learn to jump? How did Drummer the Woodpecker come by his red cap? When Peter asks Grandfather Frog, Grandfather Frog tells him a story of long ago. This book is a collection of those stories told by Grandfather Frog and many others.
Sie hören Mother West Wind "How" Stories - Thornton W. Burgess.
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