Hörbuch: Adventures of Prickly Porky

Adventures of Prickly Porky cover

Adventures of Prickly Porky

1 - Happy Jack Squirrel Makes a Find





A stranger from the North Woods has just arrived in the Green Forest causing a great stir among the woodland creatures who live there. They quickly discover that this odd fellow with the barbed spikes in his fur is the loyal and brave Prickly Porky the Porcupine. Not long after Prickly Porky arrives, a bit of early morning fun leads to a forest mystery that draws friends and foes alike into the investigation of an unknown headless, tailless, whirling creature seen only at sunrise on the hill by Prickly Porky's home. The Adventures of Prickly Porky includes popular characters from children's author Thornton W. Burgess' other "Bedtime Story-Books" including Unc' Billy Possum, Peter & Mrs. Peter Rabbit, Buster Bear, Granny & Reddy Fox, Sammy Jay and many more.

Sie hören Adventures of Prickly Porky - Thornton W. Burgess.
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