Hörbuch: Third Rubaiyat Miscellany

Third Rubaiyat Miscellany cover

Third Rubaiyat Miscellany

1 - Thirty-nine quatrains from J.B.Nicolas translated by Charles Eliot Norton





In addition to Edward Fitzgerald, many authors have produced versions of the quatrains of Omar Khayyam. This collection features the work of some less well known English translators. In an article in The North American Review, 1869, Charles Eliot Norton included a prose translation of thirty-nine quatrains from the monumental French translation by J.B. Nicolas. In 1887 a translation of 50 quatrains by Michael Kearney was published in a collection of the works of Edward Fitzgerald. The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 46, 1877, contains a selection of nine quatrains translated by Peter Whalley. A series of fifty-five quatrains translated by H. G. Keene was published in an article "Loose Stanzas" in The Calcutta Review in January 1895. In The Manchester Quarterly, vol. 18, Jan. 1899 twenty rubai were rendered into English verse by George Milner from the literal prose translations of Edward Heron-Allen. In 1899 Tinsley Pratt published translations of twenty-five quatrains in "Persephone in Hades and other poems.” In 1913 thirty-two quatrains translated by George Plimmer were released in his “Omariana”, which was privately printed. This project is a sequel to two previous Rubaiyat miscellanies. https://archive.org/details/rubaiyat\_miscellany\_1311\_librivox https://archive.org/details/second\_rubaiyat\_miscellany\_1711\_librivox - Summary by Algy Pug

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