Аудиокнига: Atlantic Narratives: Modern Short Stories; Second Series

Atlantic Narratives: Modern Short Stories; Second Series cover

Atlantic Narratives: Modern Short Stories; Second Series

1 - Introduction


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This book is composed of 24 short stories, published in 1918 by the Atlantic Monthly Press, and is the second collection of "modern short stories" edited by Charles Swain Thomas. They appeared in the Atlantic monthly magazine around the turn of the century and are written by various authors as follows: Mary Antin, Elizabeth Ashe, Kathleen Carman, Cornelia A. P. Comer, Mazo De La Roche, Annie Hamilton Donnell, James Edmund Dunning, Rebecca Hooper Eastman, William Addleman Ganoe, Lucy Huffaker, Joseph Husband, S. H. Kemper, Christina Krysto, Ellen Mackubin, Edith Ronald Mirrielees, Margaret Prescott Montague, E. Morlae, Meredith Nicholson, Kathleen Norris, Laura Spencer Portor, Lucy Pratt, Elsie Singmaster, Charles Haskins Townsend, Edith Wyatt. This audio compilation begins with the stories themselves, each Section followed by the editor's Biographical and Interpretive Notes. Some of these stories are happy, some are sad, some might be downright tragic, but hopefully they will leave you thinking about life a little bit differently. (Summary by Arie)

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