Аудиокнига: Young Americans Abroad – Vacation in Europe

Young Americans Abroad – Vacation in Europe cover

Young Americans Abroad – Vacation in Europe

1 - Introduction


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It’s 1851 and the Crystal Palace Exhibition is on in England. English American the Reverend Dr. Choules leaves Newport, Rhode Island with three teenaged students – James Robinson, George Vanderbuilt, and Weld French, who are forced to leave the fourth member of their blue-blooded quartet at home – and all four travelers promise to write to “Dear Charley”, Charles Duston, of later fame. The boys meet the Duke of Wellington, travel down the Rhine, and meet many friends along the way. While the letters are filled with some prejudice against the Catholic religion, they are a product of their time – a sometimes ignorant, but often dazzling, period of our history.

Вы слушаете Young Americans Abroad – Vacation in Europe - J. O. Choules.
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