Аудиокнига: The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story for all the Year

The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story for all the Year cover

The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story for all the Year

1 - 01 - Which Shall Speak First?


Жанры аудиокниг



Ronald West has a brilliant idea for his next novel, but to do it right, he wants to spend the next six months tramping around central Africa to experience the setting first hand. His wife Helen fully supports his trip, but for the first time in their marriage, she refuses to go along herself. Ronnie is disappointed at her reticence, but plows ahead, planning to be back in England by Christmas. But when Ronnie returns, something is seriously the matter which threatens to make his reunion with Helen, and their Christmas together, anything but merry. (Introduction by MaryAnn)

Вы слушаете The Upas Tree, A Christmas Story for all the Year - Florence Louisa Barclay.
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