Аудиокнига: Saunterings In And About London

Saunterings In And About London cover

Saunterings In And About London

1 - Preface


Жанры аудиокниг



A witty 1853 travelogue by a cultured German for his countrymen. “…for I did not write for an English public, nor did I ever pretend to popularity in England. The “SAUNTERINGS” were intended for the profit and amusement of my German countrymen; and I must say I was not a little pleased and surprised with the very flattering reception which my book experienced at the hands of the English critics. Their favourable opinion, which they so emphatically and—I am selfish enough to go the whole length of the word—so ably expressed, has probably caused the production of the book in an English dress.” ( Book Preface and david wales)

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