Аудиокнига: Adventures of the Teenie Weenies

Adventures of the Teenie Weenies cover

Adventures of the Teenie Weenies

1 - The Teenie Weenies - Who They Are and Where They Live


Жанры аудиокниг



The Teenie Weenies are people two inches tall who live under a rose bush with "real world" size materials made from discarded objects like hats, jars, barrels, kegs, and boxes - all of which were gigantic to them. Each Teenie Weenie has a unique personality that both names them and defines how they interact with the world and each other. The General is in charge and runs the tiny village, the Cook of course is in charge of food, the Fireman, the Policeman, The Turk, the Indian, The Cowboy, the Chinese Man, Grandma, Grandpa, The Lady of Fashion and many many more have many adventures. These stories are not long and if popular I might post more Teenie Weenie books.

Вы слушаете Adventures of the Teenie Weenies - William Donahey.
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