Audiolibro: Life is a Dream

Life is a Dream cover

Life is a Dream

1 - Act 1


Géneros de audiolibros



Of all Calderon's works, "Life is a Dream" may be regarded as the most universal in its theme. It seeks to teach a lesson that may be learned from the philosophers and religious thinkers of many ages—that the world of our senses is a mere shadow, and that the only reality is to be found in the invisible and eternal. The story which forms its basis is Oriental in origin, and in the form of the legend of "Barlaam and Josaphat" was familiar in all the literatures of the Middle Ages. Combined with this in the plot is the tale of Abou Hassan from the "Arabian Nights," the main situations in which are turned to farcical purposes in the Induction to the Shakespearean "Taming of the Shrew." But with Calderon the theme is lifted altogether out of the atmosphere of comedy, and is worked up with poetic sentiment and a touch of mysticism into a symbolic drama of profound and universal philosophical significance. - Summary by The Translator

We also have this in the original Spanish:

Cast list:
Basilio, King of Poland: Algy Pug
Segismund, his Son: Seaquill
Astolfo, his Nephew: Matthew Reece
Estrella, his Niece: Christine
Clotaldo, a General in Basilio's Service: Alan Mapstone
Rosaura, a Muscovite Lady: Availle
Fife, her Attendant: Son of the Exiles
Chamberlain: Andrew James
Lord in Waiting: ToddHW
Captain: ambsweet13
Soldier 1: ToddHW
Soldier 2: Sonia
Stage Directions: Adrian Stephens
Editing: ToddHW

Estás escuchando Life is a Dream - Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
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