Audiolibro: Rise and Fall of Free Speech in America

Rise and Fall of Free Speech in America
1 - 00 - Why Censor the Motion Picture -- The Laboring Man's University?
- Download 00 - Why Censor the Motion Picture -- The Laboring Man's University? audio
- Download 01 - The Rise and Fall of Free Speech in America audio
- Download 02 - The Late Mayor Gaynor's Censorship Veto audio
- Download 03 - The Motion Picture Censor audio
- Download 04 - Editorial Expression on Censorship audio
- Download 05 - Press Censorship in Russia audio
- Download 06 - Federal License of Moving Pictures audio
- Download 07 - The Censorship Dragon audio
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The Rise and Fall of Free Speech in America was D.W. Griffith's first response to the attacks made on The Birth of a Nation. In it he played on the 'intolerance' of those who would not permit him freedom of speech in his films. This view on intolerance led directly to the creation of the film of the same name.
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