Audiobook: Notary's Nose
Audiobooks Genres
Ironic and Satirical: A successful Parisian notary, Alfred L’Ambert, is smitten with a fourteen-year-old ballet dancer. After a quarrel, his Turkish rival challenges him to a duel during which the notary gets his nose cut off. Thereupon, a surgeon is called for a grafting. The donor is a simple man from the Auvergne with whom the notary is forced to spend thirty days, his nose being literally glued to the arm of the man. But even after this term, his bad fortune doesn’t come to an end... - Summary by Didier
_Le Nez d’un notaire_ - _The Notary's Nose_ in French
_La Nariz de un notario_ - _The Notary's Nose_ in Spanish
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