Audiobook: Egri csillagok

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Egri csillagok

1 - 01 - Hol terem a magyar vitéz? - 1. fejezet


Audiobooks Genres



Az Egri csillagok mĂĄra mĂĄr igazi klasszikussĂĄ vĂĄlt MagyarorszĂĄgon. A törtĂ©net a 16. szĂĄzad elsƑ felĂ©ben jĂĄtszĂłdik Ă©s körĂŒlbelĂŒl 25 Ă©vet foglal magĂĄba. A legfƑbb törtĂ©nelmi esemĂ©nyek közt olvashatunk a magyar kirĂĄlyok szĂ©khelyĂ©nek, BudĂĄnak 1541-es vĂ©rmentes elfoglalĂĄsĂĄrĂłl Ă©s a törökök 1552-es egri ostromĂĄrĂłl. BetekintĂ©st nyerhetĂŒnk mĂ©g mĂĄs törtĂ©nelmi tĂ©mĂĄkba is, pĂ©ldĂĄul a reformĂĄciĂł MagyarorszĂĄgon elĂ©rt hatĂĄsĂĄra, a magyarok Ă©s a nĂ©met-rĂłmai csĂĄszĂĄr közti nĂ©zeteltĂ©rĂ©sekre, Ă©s olyan Ă©rtĂ©kek kĂ­sĂ©rik vĂ©gig a regĂ©nyt, mint a könyörĂŒletessĂ©g, apai Ă©s anyai szeretet, barĂĄtsĂĄg, bizalom Ă©s ƑszintesĂ©g.

The story is set in the first half of the 16th century and covers a period of roughly 25 years. The main historical events that are addressed are the bloodless occupation of Buda, the seat of the Hungarian kings, in 1541, and the 1552 Siege of Eger (now in Northern Hungary) by the Turks that forms the major topic of the novel. The story also addresses some other historical topics like the impact of the Reformation, the discord between Hungarians and the Holy Roman Emperor, as well as many themes of general import like mercy, filial and marital love, friendship, trust and truthfulness. The book is considered as the most famous Hungarian novel. It's been translated into English titled Eclipse of the Crescent Moon. (Summary by Wikipedia)

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