Audiobook: Nobody

Nobody cover


1 - Who is She?


Audiobooks Genres



There are many romantic tales about a handsome and rich man falling in love with a beautiful lower class woman over the objections of his family. Remember Elizabeth Bennett and Fitzwilliam Darcy? however, it takes more than a good woman to secure a man's happiness. He has to have mental strength. It is not certain that our hero, Tom, has that. Lois is a great woman. However, according to his sister, she is a "nobody." Does money and position control everything? Certainly not. Good people deserve to be happy. But only those who have enough strength to secure their happiness, on their own terms. A secondary plot involves Philip, another man who loves Lois, who discovers the love of God and becomes a better man. Not for the woman he loves, but for himself. Want to know if Tom overcomes his family's objections and married the love of his life? Want to read a lively book with an unforgettable and enchanting writing style? If you do, read the book.

You are listening Nobody - Susan Warner.
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