Audiobook: More Newspaper Articles by Mark Twain

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More Newspaper Articles by Mark Twain

1 - Muscatine Journal, Friday, December 16, 1853 - Original Correspondence. Describing the city of Philadelphia and mentioning the musician Ole Bull.


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"More Newspaper Articles by Mark Twain" fills in the gaps left by the first collection of newspaper articles: "Newspaper Articles by Mark Twain" . The missing articles, collected by, consist of works printed in the Muscatine Journal, the Keokuk Daily Post, the New York Sunday Mercury, the Golden Era, the Californian, The Daily Dramatic Chronicle, San Francisco Bulletin, the New York Herald and travel letters originally printed in the Chicago Daily tribune. The earliest articles first appeared in 1853.This collection contains only the work of Mark Twain (and articles relating to him) that are in the public domain. It does NOT contain articles that were re-printed from original sources (those original articles can be found in the first collection). Introductory and editorial material on these articles is available at the Twainquotes website. Special thanks to Barbara Schmidt and for the use of the collected public domain articles and to Eberhard Schneider for the German segments found in sections 151 and 153. (Introduction by John Greenman) Text sources: - Muscatine Journal - Keokuk Post - New York Sunday Mercury - The Golden Era - The Californian - San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle - San Francisco Bulletin - New York Herald - Travel Letters

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