Audiobook: The Light that Failed

The Light that Failed cover

The Light that Failed

1 - 01 - Chapter 01


Audiobooks Genres



This novel, first published in 1890, follows the life of Dick Heldar, a painter. Most of the novel is set in London, but many important events throughout the story occur in Sudan or India. It was made into a 1916 film with Jose Collins and a 1939 film by Paramount starring Ronald Colman.It is a tale of of a man who loves his work, friends and boats and starts in Dick’s childhood, then takes you through his life – the war in Sudan, friends abroad, life in England, his love for Maisie, the obstacles those closest to him meet when a very independent man fights becoming dependant and finally the life changes Dick faces as his eyes fail him.

You are listening The Light that Failed - Rudyard Kipling.
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