Audiobook: The Claverings

The Claverings cover

The Claverings

1 - 01 - Julia Brabazon


Audiobooks Genres



"I consider the story as a whole to he good, though I am not aware that the public ever corroborated that verdict." - the author
The Claverings is the best wrought of the novels designed for The Cornhill, and as surely conceived as any book he ever wrote." - Sadleir.
"It is a novel of atmosphere, and the atmosphere is of that sort very dangerous for the English novelist, the atmosphere captured so supremely well by Thackeray the green-lighted, close-scented gambling rooms, the shabby adventures of half-deserted spas, the shelving beaches of foreign watering-places, concealed accents, stolen passports, impoverished counts and impertinent ladies' maids.... Trollope's most serious attempt to escape from his own personality." - Walpole

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