Hörbuch-Genres : Literature

En Nyckfull kvinna, del 1 – Den Obundna flickan
Emilie Flygare-Carlén

My Buried Treasure
Richard Harding Davis

Religio Medici and Hydriotaphia
Thomas Browne

Old Rose and Silver
Myrtle Reed

Aucassin and Nicolette.
Francis William Bourdillon

Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son
George Horace Lorimer

Le roman de la momie
Théophile Gautier

The Giaour
Lord George Gordon Byron

George Moore

Juffrouw Lirriper en haar Commensalen
Charles Dickens

The Jimmyjohn Boss and Other Stories
Owen Wister

Boule de Suif
Guy de Maupassant