Hörbuch-Genres : Astronomy, Physics & Mechanics

On the Various Forces of Nature
Michael Faraday

History of Astronomy
Walter W. Bryant

General Principle of Relativity: In Its Philosophical and Historical Aspect
Herbert Wildon Carr

History of Astronomy
George Forbes

Mars and Its Canals
Percival Lowell

One Hundred Proofs That the Earth Is Not a Globe
William Carpenter

Stratagems and The Aqueducts of Rome
Sextus Julius Frontinus

Einstein Theory of Relativity
Hendrik A. Lorentz

Romance of Modern Mechanism
Archibald Williams

Captain Cook
Walter Besant

Radioisotopes in Medicine
Earl W. Phelan, United States Atomic Energy Commission

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (version 2)
Edwin Abbott Abbott