Hörbuch: One Hundred Years In Yosemite: The Story Of A Great Park And Its Friends

One Hundred Years In Yosemite: The Story Of A Great Park And Its Friends cover

One Hundred Years In Yosemite: The Story Of A Great Park And Its Friends

1 - Foreword and Preface





This recording of the 1931 (1947 second edition) book about Yosemite National Park comprises the narrative text about the Park from its discovery by non-natives in the Indian War of 1851 to the mid-twentieth century. The printed book contains dozens of early photographs and drawings, as well as an extensive timeline and bibliography, which are not here recorded. The author (1894-1967) was an ecologist, historian, and administrator. He was an officer of the U.S. National Park Service for thirty four years, serving as the Chief Naturalist of Yosemite from 1923-1929 and later as Park Superintendent. - Summary by David Wales

Sie hören One Hundred Years In Yosemite: The Story Of A Great Park And Its Friends - Carl Parcher Russell.
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