Hörbuch: Zip, the Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier (version 2)

Zip, the Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier (version 2)
1 - In Which Zip is Introduced to the Reader
- Download In Which Zip is Introduced to the Reader audio
- Download Zip's Exciting News audio
- Download Zip Unearths the Stolen Silver audio
- Download Zip's Disastrous Jump audio
- Download Zip is Stuck in the Stovepipe audio
- Download Zip and Peter-Kins audio
- Download Zip, Peter-Kins and the Turkey Gobbler audio
- Download Zip at the Candy Pull audio
- Download Zip and Peter-Kins Have a Fight audio
- Download Zip's Curiosity is His Undoing audio
From the author of the popular Billy Whiskers books comes this delightful tale of an adventurous little dog. Find out about the hidden silver, encounters with Peterkins the monkey, gobblers, porcupines and so many more adventures. - Summary by Larry Wilson
Sie hören Zip, the Adventures of a Frisky Fox Terrier (version 2) - Frances Trego Montgomery.
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