Hörbuch: Viking Tales (Version 2)
The story follows the life of the Viking Harald from infancy to his crowning as King of Norway. It focuses on the Vikings' eagerness for adventure and new lands as they set forth from Norway and sail westward across the Atlantic, island-hopping on their way to America. The legends of these men were passed down through generations of families, while they sat around the fireside on bitterly cold winter nights playing harps and working with wool. This adventurous book will entertain young and old readers alike as they take a look at the lifestyle and world view of these mysterious people.
Sie hören Viking Tales (Version 2) - Jennie Hall.
Hat Ihnen das Gehörte gefallen? Teilen Sie es mit Ihren Freunden und Ihrer Familie!.
Hat Ihnen das Gehörte gefallen? Teilen Sie es mit Ihren Freunden und Ihrer Familie!.
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