Hörbuch: Vairagya Shatakam
- Download Preface audio
- Download Condemnation of desire audio
- Download Futile efforts to give up sense-objects audio
- Download Condemnation of the poverty of a supplicant attitude audio
- Download Delineation of the evanescence of enjoyments audio
- Download Description of the working of Time, or the principle of change audio
- Download A comparison as to how a monk stands to a king audio
- Download Control of mind by stimulating wisdom in it audio
- Download Discrimination of the immutable reality from the mutable audio
- Download Worship of Siva audio
- Download The way of life of a realized ascetic audio
Vairagya Shatakam is one of the best books that gives the true picture of Renunciation. The book talks on how a common man gets lured by the endless desires which when satisfied fetches him nothing but the desires again. It concludes saying how these insatiable desires mislead the man from knowing his real nature-omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience! (Summary by Uday Sagar)
Sie hören Vairagya Shatakam - Bhartṛhari.
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