Hörbuch: There's Laughter in the Air! Radio's Top Comedians and Their Best Shows

There's Laughter in the Air! Radio's Top Comedians and Their Best Shows
1 - 00 - Then and Now
There's Laughter in the Air takes readers on a sidesplitting romp through the world of old-time radio comedy. It gives a brief history of the medium and brief but intimate accounts of some of the biggest acts from the 1930s and 1940s. Gaver and Stanley give insight on several luminaries from the days of vintage radio: Jack Benny, Fred Allen, Fibber McGee and Molly, Burns and Allen, Amos 'n Andy, and more! (Summary by ChuckW)
Sie hören There's Laughter in the Air! Radio's Top Comedians and Their Best Shows - Jack Gaver, Dave Stanley.
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