Hörbuch: Chronicles of Canada Volume 11 - The Winning of Canada: a Chronicle of Wolfe

Chronicles of Canada Volume 11 - The Winning of Canada: a Chronicle of Wolfe
1 - 01 - The Boy 1727-1741
Any life of Wolfe can be artificially simplified by treating his purely military work as something complete in itself and not as a part of a greater whole. But, since such treatment gives a totally false idea of his achievement, this little sketch, drawn straight from original sources, tries to show him as he really was, a co-worker with the British fleet in a war based entirely on naval strategy and inseparably connected with international affairs of world-wide significance. The only simplification attempted here is that of arrangement and expression. (Author's Note)
Sie hören Chronicles of Canada Volume 11 - The Winning of Canada: a Chronicle of Wolfe - William Wood.
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