Hörbuch: Roman Triumvirates

Roman Triumvirates
1 - Ch. 1: The Reaction against Sulla's Legislation--Rise of Pompeius, Pt. 1
- Download Ch. 1: The Reaction against Sulla's Legislation--Rise of Pompeius, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 1: The Reaction against Sulla's Legislation--Rise of Pompeius, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 2: Ascendency of Pompeius--His Subjugation of the Cilician Pirates, and Conquests in the East, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 2: Ascendency of Pompeius--His Subjugation of the Cilician Pirates, and Conquests in the East, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 3: State of Parties in the City--Consulship of Cicero, and Conspiracy of Catalina, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 3: State of Parties in the City--Consulship of Cicero, and Conspiracy of Catalina, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 3: State of Parties in the City--Consulship of Cicero, and Conspiracy of Catalina, Pt. 3 audio
- Download Ch. 4: The First Triumvirate of Caesar, Pompeius, and Crassus, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 4: The First Triumvirate of Caesar, Pompeius, and Crassus, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 5: Caesar's Conquest of Gaul--Death of Crassus and Dissolution of the First Triumvirate, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 5: Caesar's Conquest of Gaul--Death of Crassus and Dissolution of the First Triumvirate, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 6: Rupture between Caesar and the Senate, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 6: Rupture between Caesar and the Senate, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 7: The Civil War--Battle of Pharsalia--Death of Pompeius--Death of Cato, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 7: The Civil War--Battle of Pharsalia--Death of Pompeius--Death of Cato, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 7: The Civil War--Battle of Pharsalia--Death of Pompeius--Death of Cato, Pt. 3 audio
- Download Ch. 8: Tyranny and Death of Caesar, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 8: Tyranny and Death of Caesar, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 9: Caius Octavius Succeeds to the Inheritance of Julius Caesar audio
- Download Ch. 10: The Second Triumvirate: Octavius, Antonius, and Lepidus, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 10: The Second Triumvirate: Octavius, Antonius, and Lepidus, Pt. 2 audio
- Download Ch. 11: Last Effort of the Republicans: The Battle of Philippi audio
- Download Ch. 12: Contest Between Octavius and Antonius--Battle of Actium--Octavius Becomes Master of the State, Pt. 1 audio
- Download Ch. 12: Contest Between Octavius and Antonius--Battle of Actium--Octavius Becomes Master of the State, Pt. 2 audio
In this short volume, the British historian, Charles Merivale, describes the long conflict by which the rule of one man replaced the Roman Republic. Here we meet that ineffectual has-been Pompeius, the resourceful military and political genius, Julius Caesar, unbending Cato, brave, dissolute Marcus Antonius, grandiloquent, doomed Cicero, peerless Cleopatra and, almost the sole survivor, crafty, cold, and sagacious young Octavius (Summary by Pamela Nagami, M.D.)
Sie hören Roman Triumvirates - Charles Merivale.
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