Hörbuch: Some Psalms: Three Classic English Translations

Some Psalms: Three Classic English Translations cover

Some Psalms: Three Classic English Translations

1 - Psalm 1





The Psalms, traditionally ascribed to David the King, are regarded in the Christian tradition as the voice of Christ speaking through His ancestor David. They are 150 laments, hymns, and prayers whose origins span 8 centuries before Christ and continue to be prayed by Jews and Christians in virtually all languages, including the original Hebrew, and the once dominant Latin of St. Jerome. This LibriVox recording presents 3 classic English translations: that of Myles Coverdale (16th Century) included in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer; the King James Version (early 17th Century); and the contemporaneous 17th Century Roman Catholic translation by the exiled English scholars at Douai (later Rhiems), France, as revised by Bp. Richard Challoner in 1752. - Summary by Fr. Richard Zeile

Note: This project contains Psalms 1-73 and Psalm 90.

Sie hören Some Psalms: Three Classic English Translations - King James Version (KJV), Douay-Rheims Version (DRV), Coverdale Bible.
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