Hörbuch: Doctor's Dilemma

Doctor's Dilemma cover

Doctor's Dilemma

1 - Act 1





The Doctor's Dilemma is about Dr. Colenso Ridgeon, who has recently been knighted because of a miraculous new treatment he developed for tuberculosis. As his friends arrive to congratulate him on his success, he is visited by two figures who present him with a difficult decision. He has room for one more patient in his clinic; should he give it to Louis Dubedat, a brilliant but absolutely immoral artist, or Dr. Blenkinsop, a poor and rather ordinary physician who is a truly good person? Dr. Ridgeon's dilemma is heightened when he falls for Jennifer Dubedat, the artist's wife, who is innocent of her husband's profligacy. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)

Redpenny: DerekP
Emmy: Amallen
Dr. Ridgeon: Bruce Pirie
Dr. Schutzmacher: John Steigerwald
Sir Patrick Cullen: Algy Pug
Cutler Walpole: Elizabeth Klett
Sir Ralph Bloomfield Bonington: Phil Chenevert
Dr. Blenkinsop: mb
Jennifer Dubedat: Arielle Lipshaw
Louis Dubedat: Anthony
The Maid: rashada
The Newspaper Man: David Lawrence
The Secretary: Peter Bishop
Narrator: Elizabeth Klett

Audio edited by Elizabeth Klett

Sie hören Doctor's Dilemma - George Bernard Shaw.
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