Hörbuch: Circus

Circus cover


1 - The Circus - Read by AMB





LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of The Circus by Edwin C Ranck.
This was the Weekly Poetry project for June 14, 2020.
This little volume was written for no reason on earth and with no earthly reason. It just simply happened, on the principle, I suppose that "murder will out." Murder is a bad thing and so are nonsense rhymes. There is often a valid excuse for murder; there is none for nonsense rhymes. They seem to be a necessary evil to be classed with smallpox, chicken-pox, yellow fever and other irruptive diseases. They are also on the order of the boomerang and eventually rebound and inflict much suffering on the unlucky verse-slinger. So you see nonsense, like a little learning is a dangerous thing and should be handled with as much care as the shotgun which is never known to be loaded. From the Preface to Poems for Pale People, A Volume of Verse By Edwin C. Ranck.

Sie hören Circus - Edwin Carty Ranck.
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