Hörbuch: Adventures of Bobby Coon

Adventures of Bobby Coon
1 - Bobby Coon has a Bad Dream </p><p>Bobby Bites his own Tail</p><p> Bobby’s Dreadful Fright
- Download Bobby Coon has a Bad Dream </p><p>Bobby Bites his own Tail</p><p> Bobby’s Dreadful Fright audio
- Download Bowser Finds Someone at Home<p></p><p> Bobby Coon Shows Fight</p><p> Something is Wrong with Bobby Coon</p> audio
- Download Bobby has a Strange Journey</p><p> Father Brown’s Boy Plays Doctor</p><p> Bobby is Made Much of audio
- Download Bobby Longs for the Green Forest</p><p> The Happiest Coon Ever audio
- Download Bobby Tries the Wrong House</p><p> Bobby Makes Another Mistake</p><p> Bobby Finds Out his Mistake audio
- Download Once More Bobby Tries to Sleep</p><p> Blacky the Crow Discovers Bobby</p><p> The Surprise of Two Cousins audio
- Download Buster Bear’s Short Temper</p><p> Bobby Coon gets a Terrible Shaking</p><p> Peter Rabbit Saves Bobby Coon audio
- Download Bobby Finds a Home at last</p><p> Bobby Finds he has a Neighbor</p><p> Buster Bear Finds Bobby Coon audio
"In this engaging story, Bobby Raccoon suffers a series of mishaps. Following a bad dream, he bites his own tail, is given a dreadful fright, learns that Farmer Brown's Boy is a kind friend, survives an encounter with Buster Bear, gets a terrible shaking and more, but, happily, is rescued by Peter Rabbit and eventually finds a new home." (Jude Somers)
Sie hören Adventures of Bobby Coon - Thornton W. Burgess.
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