Hörbuch: Strange Roads & With the Gods in Spring

Strange Roads & With the Gods in Spring
1 - I. Arthur Machen: A Novelist of Ecstasy & Sin
The centerpieces of this collection are two essays by Arthur Machen, Strange Roads and With the Gods in Spring. Both use images of journeys through the countryside to evoke a sense of place and an innate spiritualism found in nature. In addition to these two essays, taken from a stand-alone chapbook publication are two thematically similar poems by Machen that evoke folk legends of his native Wales. The collection is kicked off by an insightful appraisal of Machen's literary career and his place in the pantheon of great authors of late Victorian period literature by Vincent Starlett. (Summary by Ben Tucker)
Sie hören Strange Roads & With the Gods in Spring - Arthur Machen, Vincent Starrett.
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