Hörbuch: Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac

Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac
1 - Chapter 01
This work the author claims is indeed a true story of how he happened to be married seven times to seven different women and the rollicking, hilarious events that led (or stumbled) to the marriages and the ah--disassembling/failing/failures of each said marriage which happened oftentimes to land him in prison. The summarist finds the work a very tongue-in-cheek diatribe/lament/account of his obsessive zeal in 'marrying the right one', but is also the mirthful chronicle of said author's very unconventional adventures. (Summary by Kehinde)
Sie hören Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac - L. A. Abbott.
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