Hörbuch: Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia and Letter to a Friend

Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia and Letter to a Friend
1 - Religio Medici - Pt 1: To the Reader; 1-8
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: To the Reader; 1-8 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: 9-13 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: 14-22 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: 23-35 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: 26-45 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: 46-51 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 1: 52-60 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 2: 1-3 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 2: 4-6 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 2: 7-10 audio
- Download Religio Medici - Pt 2: 11-15 audio
- Download Letter to a Friend - 1 audio
- Download Letter to a Friend - 2 audio
- Download Letter to a Friend - 3 audio
- Download Hydriotaphia - Dedication audio
- Download Hydriotaphia - Chapter 1 audio
- Download Hydriotaphia - Chapter 2 audio
- Download Hydriotaphia - Chapter 3 audio
- Download Hydriotaphia - Chapter 4 audio
- Download Hydriotaphia - Chapter 5 audio
Selections from the varied writings of a 17th century English doctor with a well-stocked mind, an interest in the new science of his age and a deep religious faith. His prose is famous for its Baroque complexity and its frequent eloquence. Sir Thomas endowed English with numerous quotations and was a notable coiner of words, many of which are still in common use. - Summary by Barbara Baker
Sie hören Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia and Letter to a Friend - Thomas Browne.
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