Hörbuch: Nocturne: In Anjou
LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of Nocturne: In Anjou by Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey.
This was the Weekly Poetry project for November 10, 2019.
Richard Hovey collaborated with Canadian poet Bliss Carman on three volumes of "tramp" verse: Songs from Vagabondia (1894), More Songs from Vagabondia (1896), and Last Songs from Vagabondia (1900), the last being published after Hovey's death. Hovey and Carman were members of the "Visionists" social circle along with F. Holland Day and Herbert Copeland, who published the "Vagabondia" series. (Wikipedia) - Summary by Wikipedia
Sie hören Nocturne: In Anjou - Bliss Carman, Richard Hovey.
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