Hörbuch: Dorothy Dale's Queer Holidays
Relates the details of a mystery that surrounded Tanglewood Park. There is a great snowstorm, and the young folks become snowbound, much to their dismay.
Books in this series:
Dorothy Dale: A Girl of Today (1908)
Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School (1908)
Dorothy Dale's Great Secret (1909)
Dorothy Dale and Her Chums (1909)
Dorothy Dale’s Queer Holidays (1910)
Dorothy Dale’s Camping Days (1911)
Dorothy Dale’s School Rivals (1912)
Dorothy Dale in the City (1913)
Dorothy Dale’s Promise (1914)
Dorothy Dale in the West (1915)
Dorothy Dale’s Strange Discovery (1916)
Dorothy Dale’s Engagement (1917)
Dorothy Dale to the Rescue (1924)
Sie hören Dorothy Dale's Queer Holidays - Margaret Penrose.
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