Hörbuch: Cottage Poems

Cottage Poems
1 - Epistle to the Rev. J--- B---, Whilst Journeying for the Recovery of his Health.
- Download Epistle to the Rev. J--- B---, Whilst Journeying for the Recovery of his Health. audio
- Download The Happy Cottagers. audio
- Download The Rainbow. audio
- Download Winter-Night Meditations. audio
- Download Verses Sent to a Lady on her Birthday. audio
- Download The Irish Cabin. audio
- Download To the Rev. J. Gilpin, on his Improved Edition of the "Pilgrim's Progress." audio
- Download The Cottage Maid. audio
- Download The Spider and the Fly. audio
- Download Epistle to a Young Clergyman. audio
- Download Epistle to the Labouring Poor. audio
- Download The Cottager's Hymn. audio
Patrick Brontë (father of the famous Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anna) is mainly remembered as a father, reverend and teacher, but he also was a poet and a novelist. Cottage Poems, his first published work, he gives gentle spiritual advice and guidance to the community, colleagues and members of his congregation in the form of lyrical letters.
Even if one is simply interested in his daughters' works, it is still interesting to see where the sisters' inspiration to write may have come from. (Summary by Mary Kay)
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