Hörbuch: Bobby in Search of a Birthday
- Download Once When Bobby Wasn't Left Behind audio
- Download The Boy With Eight Birthdays audio
- Download Hunting for the Thing You Mustn't Think About audio
- Download The Lady Who Likes Little Boys audio
- Download The Man With the Pocketful of Quarters Reappears audio
- Download The Borrowed Birthday audio
- Download "All the Perquisites Pertaining Thereto" audio
- Download "Fathers and Mothers and Things Like That" audio
The sweet story of a five year old boy named Bobby, who is an orphan. When Bobby learns that other children have birthdays, he goes hunting to find his. Go with him and meet the Man with the Pocketful of Quarters and the Lady who Likes Little Boys and learn how he finds his birthdays and a family besides! (Summary by Trotsa)
Sie hören Bobby in Search of a Birthday - Lebbeus Mitchell.
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