Hörbuch: Chronicles of Canada Volume 20 - Adventurers of the Far North

Chronicles of Canada Volume 20 - Adventurers of the Far North
1 - 1 - The Great Elizabethan Navigators
- Download 1 - The Great Elizabethan Navigators audio
- Download 2 - Hearne's Overland Journey to the Northern Ocean audio
- Download 3 - Mackenzie Descends the Great River of the North audio
- Download 4 - The Memorable Exploits of Sir John Franklin audio
- Download 5 - The Tragedy of Franklin's Fate audio
- Download 6 - Epilogue: The Conquest of the Pole. Bibliographical Note. audio
This is volume 20 of The Chronicles of Canada series. This volume describes the explorers who braved the Canadian Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage, focusing on Samuel Hearne, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, and Sir John Franklin. (Summary by TriciaG)
Sie hören Chronicles of Canada Volume 20 - Adventurers of the Far North - Stephen Leacock.
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