Hörbuch: Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States

Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States
1 - Chapter 1: Birth of Abraham LincolnâThe Lincoln FamilyâAbrahamâs first SchoolingâDeath of Mrs. Lincoln, and the new âMotherââLincolnâs Boyhood and YouthâSelf-EducationâGreat Physical StrengthâFirst Literary EffortsâJourney to New OrleansâEncouraging Incident,
- Download Chapter 1: Birth of Abraham LincolnâThe Lincoln FamilyâAbrahamâs first SchoolingâDeath of Mrs. Lincoln, and the new âMotherââLincolnâs Boyhood and YouthâSelf-EducationâGreat Physical StrengthâFirst Literary EffortsâJourney to New OrleansâEncouraging Incident, audio
- Download Chapter II: Lincolnâs AppearanceâHis First Public SpeechâAgain at New OrleansâMechanical GeniusâClerk in a Country StoreâElected CaptainâThe Black Hawk WarâIs a successful Candidate for the LegislatureâBecomes a Storekeeper, Land Surveyor, and PostmasterâHis First LoveâThe âLong NineââFirst Step towards Emancipation, audio
- Download Chapter III: Lincoln settles at Springfield as a LawyerâCandidate for the Office of Presidential ElectorâA Love AffairâMarries Miss ToddâReligious ViewsâExerts himself for Henry ClayâElected to Congress in 1846âSpeeches in CongressâOut of Political Employment until 1854âAnecdotes of Lincoln as a Lawyer. audio
- Download Chapter IV: Rise of the Southern PartyâFormation of the Abolition and the Free Soil PartiesâJudge Douglas and the Kansas-Nebraska BillâDouglas defeated by LincolnâLincoln resigns as Candidate for CongressâLincolnâs Letter on SlaveryâThe Bloomington SpeechâThe Fremont CampaignâElection of BuchananâThe Dred-Scott Decision, audio
- Download Chapter V: Causes of Lincolnâs Nomination to the PresidencyâHis Lectures in New York, &c.âThe First Nomination and the Fence RailsâThe Nomination at ChicagoâElected PresidentâOffice-seekers and AppointmentsâLincolnâs ImpartialityâThe South determined to SecedeâFears for Lincolnâs Life, audio
- Download Chapter VI: A Suspected ConspiracyâLincolnâs Departure for WashingtonâHis Speeches at Springfield and on the road to the National CapitalâBreaking out of the RebellionâTreachery of President BuchananâTreason in the CabinetâJefferson Davisâs MessageâThreats of Massacre and Ruin to the NorthâSouthern SympathisersâLincolnâs Inaugural AddressâThe CabinetâThe Days of Doubt and of Darkness, audio
- Download Chapter VII: Mr. Seward refuses to meet the Rebel CommissionersâLincolnâs ForbearanceâFort SumterâCall for 75,000 TroopsâTroubles in MarylandâAdministrative PrudenceâJudge DouglasâIncrease of the ArmyâWinthrop and EllsworthâBull RunâGeneral MâClellan, audio
- Download Chapter VIII: elations with EuropeâForeign Views of the WarâThe SlavesâProclamation of EmancipationâArrest of Rebel CommissionersâBlack Troops, audio
- Download Chapter IX: Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-twoâThe Plan of the War, and Strength of the ArmiesâGeneral MâClellanâThe General Movement, January 27th, 1862âThe brilliant Western CampaignâRemoval of MâClellanâThe MonitorâBattle of FredericksburgâVallandigham and SeymourâThe AlabamaâPresident Lincoln declines all Foreign Mediation, audio
- Download Chapter X: Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-threeâA Popular ProphecyâGeneral Burnside relieved and General Hooker appointedâBattle of ChancellorsvilleâThe Rebels invade PennsylvaniaâBattle of GettysburgâLincolnâs Speech at GettysburgâGrant takes VicksburgâPort HudsonâBattle of ChattanoogaâNew York RiotsâThe French in MexicoâTroubles in Missouri, audio
- Download Chapter XI: Proclamation of AmnestyâLincolnâs BenevolenceâHis Self-relianceâProgress of the CampaignâThe Summer of 1864âLincolnâs Speech at PhiladelphiaâSuffering in the SouthâRaidsâShermanâs MarchâGrantâs PositionâBattle of the WildernessâSiege of PetersburgâChambersburgâNaval VictoriesâConfederate IntriguesâPresidential ElectionâLincoln Re-electedâAtrocious Attempts of the Confederates, audio
- Download Chapter XII: The Presidentâs Reception of NegroesâThe South opens Negotiations for PeaceâProposalsâLincolnâs Second InaugurationâThe Last BattleâDavis CapturedâEnd of the WarâDeath of LincolnâPublic Mourning, audio
- Download Chapter XIII: President Lincolnâs CharacteristicsâHis Love of HumourâHis StoriesâPithy SayingsâReparteesâHis Dignity,. audio
The book is a biography of Abraham Lincoln with emphasis on how his personality and beliefs impacted the history of the American Emancipation and its causes. The book is very well written, easy to read and includes incredible historical information being written by a man who was there during the civil war. He even fought in the war and was able to add his insight into the happenings from his own perspective. This book would add knowledge to anyone who really wants to know the truth about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. - Summary by philip chenevert
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