有声读物: Multilingual Short Works Collection 023 - Poetry & Prose

Multilingual Short Works Collection 023 - Poetry & Prose cover

Multilingual Short Works Collection 023 - Poetry & Prose

1 - Arabic - دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء [da' el-ayama taf'al ma tasha'o]





This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by LibriVox volunteers. - Summary by ToddHW

1. Arabic - دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء [da' el-ayama taf'al ma tasha'o] - 1:52
Muhammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʻī
Key words: fate, happiness, patience
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2. Danish - Hyrdinden og Skorsteensfeieren - 9:46
Hans Christian Andersen
Key words: Fairy tale, love
[Link to Text](https://books.google.dk/books?id=Dw9AjKH35PoC&dq=Nye Eventyr. Første Bind. Tredie Samling. 1845.&hl=da&pg=PA33#v=onepage&q=Nye Eventyr. Første Bind. Tredie Samling. 1845.&f=false)

3. French - Sur l'eau - 11:22
Guy de Maupassant
Key words: river, boater, sublime, suspense, death
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4. German - Über die verfeinerten Begriffe - 7:50
Justus Möser
Key words: prose, analogy, philosophy, parable, satire, fiction
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5. Italian - A Satana - 6:48
Giosuè Carducci
Key words: Brotherhood, Love, Knowledge, Reason, Science, Progress, Defiance, Rebellion, Anticlericalism
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6. Italian - Er caffettiere fisolofo - 1:17
Giuseppe Gioachino Belli
Key words: Romanesco, Death, Fate, Meaninglessness of Life
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7. Italian - La Damigella di Scalot - 3:20
Key words: Lady of Shalott, Arthurian Cycle, Lancelot of the Lake, Chivalry Code, Courtly Love, Lovesickness, Tragedy, Novellino, Alfred Tennyson
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8. Italian - S'i' fosse foco - 1:15
Cecco Angiolieri
Key words: Against Dolce Stil Novo, Against Authorities (Fire, Air, Water, World, God, Pope, Christians, Emperor, Death, Life, Father, Mother, Elders)
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9. Latin - Carmen quintum - 1:38
Gaius Valerius Catullus
Key words: Life, Death, Mortality, Impermanence, Defiance, Love, Oblivion
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10. Latin - Liber Primus Carmen undecimum - 1:33
Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Key words: Mortality, Fate, Time, Impermanence, Wisdom, Carpe Diem, Epicureanism
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11. Latin - Stabat Mater - 4:02
Jacopone da Todi
Key words: Spiritualism, Franciscanism, Asceticism, Mysticism, Marianism, Suffering
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12. Luxembourgish - No Süden - 1:02
Michel Lentz
Key words: autumn, contentment, longing
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13. Polish - Paweł i Gaweł - 1:35
Aleksander Fredro (1793-1876)
Keywords: bajka, sąsiedzi
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14. Polish - Sachem - 17:35
Henryk Sienckiewicz
Keywords: opowiadanie, walka, rozrywka
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15. Polish - Testament mój - 2:27
Juliusz Słowacki (1808-1849)
Key words: poezja, wiersz, romantyzm, testament
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16. Polish - Władca Czasu - 22:20
Antoni Lange
Key words: czas, odrodzenie, ludzkość (time, rebirth, humanity)
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17. Polish - Wspomnienie z Maripozy - 20:54
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Key words: opowiadanie, Polska, emigracja, język polski
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18. Serbian - Њени јади [Njeni jadi"> - 1:20
Branko Radičević (1824-1853)
Key words: elegy, romanticism, vernacular literature
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19. Spanish - Curiosidades literarias - 10:26
Rubén Darío
Key words: tragedia, romance, poema en prosa
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20. Spanish - Poema II Trilce - 1:23
César Vallejo
Key words: trilce, poesía peruana, vanguardismo
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