有声读物: Multilingual Short Works Collection 022 - Poetry & Prose

Multilingual Short Works Collection 022 - Poetry & Prose cover

Multilingual Short Works Collection 022 - Poetry & Prose

1 - Ancient Greek - Αστερες μὲν ἀμφὶ κάλαν σελάνναν [Asteres men amphi kalan selannan]





This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. - Summary by ToddHW

1. Ancient Greek - Ἄστερες μὲν ἀμφὶ κάλαν σελάνναν [Asteres men amphi kalan selannan] - 0:42
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Sappho (c. 630 - c. 570 BC)
key words: poetry, fragment, moon, stars

2. Czech - Smrt kmotřenka - 7:24
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Karel Jaromír Erben (1811-1870)
key words: Slavic fairy tale

3. Danish - Konen med æggene (en gammel historie sat i rim) - 2:33
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H.C. Andersen (1805-1875)
key words: poetry, funny, wishful thinking

4. Esperanto - En la brikejo - 26:44
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Józef Waśniewski (1858-1897)
key words: one of the earliest short stories in Esperanto

5. Esperanto - Vizito de la steloj sur la tero - 6:03
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Feliks Zamenhof (1868-1933)
key words: Poetry

6. Esperanto - La vojevodo - 4:05
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Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855), translated by L. L. Zamenhof
key words: Poetry, love, revenge, servant

7. Italian (Roman dialect) - Er giudizzio univerzale - 1:21
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Giuseppe Gioachino Belli (1791-1863)
key words: end of the world; last judgment, Capella Sistina in popular verses

8. Italian - Il mare canta - 1:15
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Ferdinando Fontana (1850-1919)
key words: nature, sea, romantic poetry

9. Italian - Marzo 1821 - 5:05
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Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873)
key words: A civil ode about the Austrian domination in Italy

10. Italian - Gli ubriachi - 15:38
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Salvatore Di Giacomo (1860-1934)
key words: racconto napoletano, ubriachezza, 800

11. Japanese - こころ通はざる日に [Kokoro-kayo wa zaru-bi ni] - 0:55
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Haruo Sato (1892-1964)
key words: Poetry, Melancholy, Japanese Aestheticism

12. Luxembourgish - Zwê Bridder - 1:05
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Michel Lentz (1820-1893)
key words: poetry, funny and serious moments in life

13. Old Tupi - Ave Marîa - 0:48
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Antônio de Araújo (1566-1632)
key words: catechism, Holy Mary, Jesuits, Indigenous

14. Polish – Czaty - 4:03
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Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855)
key words: Poetry, love, revenge, servant

15. Polish - Polowanie na wieloryby - 23:05
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Wacław Sieroszewski (1858-1945)
key words: opowiadanie, polowanie, wieloryby

16. Portuguese - Lei Áurea ou Lei Imperial n.° 3.353 - 2:25
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Rodrigo Augusto da Silva (1833-1889)
key words: Brazil, law, slavery, abolishment, escravidão, abolição

17. Romanian - Câinele și Cățelul - 2:45
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Grigore Alexandrescu (1810-1885)
key words: Fable

18. Romanian - El Zorab - 9:35
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George Cosbuc (1866-1918)
key words: Poetry

19. Romanian - Lordul John 2:46
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George Cosbuc (1866-1918)
key words: Poetry

20. Romanian - Ursul și Lupul 4:15
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Grigore Alexandrescu (1810-1885)
key words: Fable

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