Episode: Ep152: Literary Friction - Doppelgangers with Naomi Klein

Ep152: Literary Friction - Doppelgangers with Naomi Klein
1 - Literary Friction - Doppelgangers with Naomi Klein
Published at: 10/5/2023
Author: LiteraryFriction
What is it about doppelgangers that's so endlessly compelling? Who better to answer this question than the one and only Naomi Klein, who joined us to talk about her latest book, Doppelganger. This riveting and intellectually rigorous journey begins with a mix-up: people kept confusing Naomi Klein with another Naomi, author Naomi Wolf (known for The Beauty Myth), who got lost in the world of right wing conspiracies during the pandemic. Klein uses the trajectory of the other Naomi to examine the reflection of this 'mirror world' on the right, where vaccine passports are tools for control and climate change is a hoax. Tune in to listen to our conversation with Naomi, and to a consideration of our own distorted reflections, dark doubles, and what mirror worlds can tell us about ourselves.
Recommendations on the theme, Mirror Worlds:
Octavia: August Blue by Deborah Levy
Carrie: The Likeness by Tana French
General Recommendations:
Octavia: Alone by Daniel Schreiber
Naomi and Carrie : Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
Find a list of all recommended books at: https://uk.bookshop.org/lists/october-2023-mirror-worlds-with-naomi-klein
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Literary Friction
LiteraryFrictionA monthly conversation about books and ideas on NTS Radio hosted by friends Carrie Plitt, a literary...