Sách nói: Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 12, Jan. 20, 1880

Harper's Young People, Vol. 01, Issue 12, Jan. 20, 1880
1 - Poor pussy…; Our Own Star; Baby's Eyes
- Download Poor pussy…; Our Own Star; Baby's Eyes audio
- Download Lady Primrose: Chapter 2 audio
- Download Joe and Blinky audio
- Download A Sail on the Nile audio
- Download The White Bear of the Arctic Regions audio
- Download A Norsk Story audio
- Download Caddy's Clock Party audio
- Download Fair Play; The White Pebble Pit; Grass-Fish (Nemichlhys); Little Jack Horner; Our Post-Office audio
- Download Advertisements audio
- Download Art Manufactures; Johnny and Mary…; Spiders that Kill Birds audio
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Harper's Young People was an illustrated weekly publication for children containing delightful serialized stories, short stories, fiction and nonfiction, poetry, craft projects and more. This 12th issue of the serial, published on January 20, 1880, features stories of narrow escapes and rescues, new friendships, enchanted timepieces, arctic wildlife, archaeological discoveries, an astronomy lesson, and a picturesque sail down the Nile river. This serial was published by Harper & Brothers, known today for their other publications Harper's Bazaar and Harper's Magazine. (Summary by Jill Engle)
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