Sách nói: Eighteen Months in the War Zone: A Record of a Woman's Work on the Western Front

Eighteen Months in the War Zone: A Record of a Woman's Work on the Western Front
1 - Forward and Introduction
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"But it is not for those who heard the call in the later months so much as in memory of those early heroes of Mons, who knew the bitterness of a valiant retreat, the horror of forced marches along parched roads, with only the prod of the next man's bayonet to keep him awake, and only a flap cut from the tail of his shirt between the pitiless sun and the dreaded delirium that would leave him a prey to the Huns' barbarities; in memory of these it is that I take up the pen to run the gauntlet of a thousand critical eyes on a way fraught with difficulties." ~ Kate John Finzi
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