Sách nói: Brother Francis

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Brother Francis

1 - Preface


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Or, Less than the Least

The following pages have been written by my request with a view to making the Soldiers of The Salvation Army somewhat familiar with the life-story of one of the most remarkable men this world has ever seen. While many and varied will be the opinions respecting the methods employed by Francis of Assisi, and while some will doubtless strongly dissent from these methods, yet I think no serious follower of Jesus Christ can do otherwise than admire the sincerity, devotion and sacrifice of the man; and further, there can be, I think, no two opinions as to his having taught and manifested to the world what it means to be possessed entirely by the Savior's spirit. - Summary by General William Booth ̶ Founder of The Salvation Army

Bạn đang nghe Brother Francis - Eileen Douglas.
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